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2024-04-28 抖音教程 阅读: 次立刻设我为星标/置顶 - 爱你们哟
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he day that you see me ldand I am already not, have patience and try to understand me … If I get dirty when eating… if I cannot dress… have patience. Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you. If, when I speak to you,I repeat the same things thousand and one times… Do not interrupt me… listen to me When you were small, I had to read to you thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep… When I do not want to have a shower,neither shame me nor scold me…
Remember when I had to chase you with thousand excuses I invented, in order that you wanted to
he day that you see me ldand I am already not, have patience and try to understand me … If I get dirty when eating… if I cannot dress… have patience. Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you. If, when I speak to you,I repeat the same things thousand and one times… Do not interrupt me… listen to me When you were small, I had to read to you thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep… When I do not want to have a shower,neither shame me nor scold me…
Remember when I had to chase you with thousand excuses I invented, in order that you wanted to
he day that you see me ldand I am already not, have patience and try to understand me … If I get dirty when eating… if I cannot dress… have patience. Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you. If, when I speak to you,I repeat the same things thousand and one times… Do not interrupt me… listen to me When you were small, I had to read to you thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep… When I do not want to have a shower,neither shame me nor scold me…
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